Thursday, December 16, 2010


There are many who oppose abortion because they believe that human life begins at conception. However, there are also many who are against abortion because of religious beliefs. However, if you take a look at the United States, there is no one religion or belief that defines America. Therefore, I find it hard to comprehend how the United States could consider making a law the unjustly forces many women to comply with something they don’t believe in. If you take a look at the number of people getting abortions, many of them are under the age of 25. I am not arguing that abortion should be an easy way out for someone who is not being responsible with their sex life. However, each person is in a different situation. Should women who are raped be forced to have a baby? Should teens that cannot even support themselves be forced to conceive and raise a child? I do not believe that they should. Many could argue that women who do not want to raise a child could give their children up for adoption. However, many do not realize the health risks that even having a baby and giving it up for adoption can have. Say, for example, that a woman is raped and abortion is illegal. The woman can give the baby up, but for nine months she is constantly reminded of a scaring event. Even after mothers give the baby up for adoption, they will never be able to forget the fact that they brought a new person into this world. If we are arguing about protecting the health of a mother, forcing a woman to have a baby is one of the most destructive things that can happen. Furthermore, many of these women who would normally get abortions do so because they cannot mentally or financially support their child. Teens and young adults are trying to go to school, get a college degree, and build a strong foundation for the rest of their lives. However, there are a minimal number of teens who have a child and continue onto college. Their life is completely altered. Plus, if a mother resents their child yet was forced to have it, it not only is destructive to the mother, but the child feels neglected. Furthermore, adoption is not always a logical solution for a problem. Yes, a mother may not have to support the child any longer. But every day they must live with the idea that they brought a child into this world. Who knows if one day that child comes looking for them, or them for that child. Adoption does not always make the problem go away. It often can create an even worse situation. However, I absolutely realize that theses situation are do not represent every case, nor am I saying that every woman should have an abortion by any means. What I am trying to illustrate is that every woman is in a different situation. Each woman lives different lives, under different circumstances. But to make a law saying that abortions should be illegal completely takes away a woman’s right to freedom of choice, and takes away her freedom to control her own life and body. It would be unjust to make a law that promotes one moral and idea in a country with as many diverse ideas and people as America.

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